C++ Pointer to member Function.

// Create a data type: "Pointer to MyClass function" with type name: "funcPtr_t"
typedef void (MyClass::*funcPtr_t)();

QList funcList;           // Create a list of pointers

funcPtr_t fp = &MyClass::myFunction; // Create a pointer to function "myFunction" with name "fp"

funcList.append( fp );               // Add to list

for( funcPtr_t func : funcList)      // Call all functions in our list (there is only one)
	(this->*func)();                 // We are calling from an object of the same class

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Myclass myObject;

for( funcPtr_t func : funcList)      // Call all functions in our list (there is only one)
	(myObject.*func)();              // We are calling from outside "MyClass"

	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Myclass* myObject = new Myclass();

for( funcPtr_t func : funcList)      // Call all functions in our list (there is only one)
	(myObject->*func)();             // We are calling from outside "MyClass"

Fast linked list without list

If you need a very fast way to iterate over a list of objects and call the same method on all of them, then here is a posible solution. Der...