Simple and fast signal-slot system in C++.

 This is a simple and fast implementation of a signal-slot system in C++.

It's goal is to be simple and as fast as possible.

For that, we create a signal-slot system tha is specific for our use case, that's the price we pay for a fast system.
In this case we create callbacks that take an integer value, but it could be adapted for any oyhter use case.

First we need a base class for our callbacks.
We need this class to virtualize the call() function and easily link callbacks in order to create a list.
It is implemented as a linked list: each callbacks holds a pointer to the function to call and a pointer to the next callback.

class CallBackBase
        virtual ~CallBackBase(){;}

        virtual void call( int ){;}

        CallBackBase* nextCallBack;

Here we have our callback class.
We create callbacks with an object and a member funtion to call:
template <class Obj>
class CallBack : public CallBackBase
        friend class Signal;

        CallBack( Obj* object, void (Obj::*func)(int) )
        : CallBackBase()
            m_object = object;
            m_func   = func;
            nextCallBack = 0;
        ~CallBack() {;}

        virtual void call( int val ) override
        { (m_object->*m_func)(val); }

        Obj* m_object;
        void (Obj::*m_func)(uint8_t);

And this is our signal class:
We can add callbacks with the function connect() and remove callbacks with the function disconnect().
On emitValue() we call all the callbacks with an integer value as argument:

class Signal
            m_slot = 0;
        ~Signal()       // Free resources created
            CallBackBase* slot = m_slot;
            while( slot ) // delete slots
                CallBackBase* slotDel = slot;
                slot = slot->nextCallBack;
                delete slotDel;
        }   }

        template <class Obj>
        void connect( Obj* obj, void (Obj::*func)(int) )
            CallBack<Obj>* slot = new CallBack<Obj>( obj, func );

            slot->nextCallBack = m_slot;
            m_slot = slot;

        template <class Obj>
        void disconnect( Obj* obj, void (Obj::*func)(int) )
            CallBackBase* preSlot = 0;
            CallBackBase* posSlot = m_slot;
            while( posSlot )
                CallBack<Obj>* cb = dynamic_cast<CallBack<Obj>*>(posSlot);

                if( cb->m_object == obj && cb->m_func == func )
                    if( preSlot ) preSlot->nextCallBack = posSlot->nextCallBack;
                    else          m_slot = posSlot->nextCallBack;
                    delete posSlot;
                preSlot = posSlot;
                posSlot = posSlot->nextCallBack;
        }   }

        void emitValue( int val ) // Calls all connected CallBacks 
            CallBackBase* slot = m_slot;
            while( slot )
                slot->call( val );
                slot = slot->nextCallBack;
        }   }

        CallBackBase* m_slot;

To use it we create signals, connect callbacks and call emitValue() when needed.

	AnObjectClass*    anObject     = new AnObjectClass();
	OtherObjectClass* otherObject  = new OtherObjectClass();
	ThirdObjectClass* thirdObject  = new ThirdObjectClass();
	OtherObjectClass* otherObject2 = new OtherObjectClass();

    Signal on_write;
    on_write.connect( anObject,    &AnObjectClass::writeFunc );
    on_write.connect( otherObject, &OtherObjectClass::otherFunc );
    Signal on_read;
    on_read.connect( thirdObject,  &ThirdObjectClass::readFunc );
    on_read.connect( otherObject2, &OtherObjectClass::someFunc );
    void on_write_event( int value )
		on_write.emitValue( value );
	void on_read_event( int value )
		on_read.emitValue( value );

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